The main entrance to the mosque is on the eastern side and thus, it is much larger and more beautiful than the subsidiary gates on the southern and the northern sides that had arches and three square chhatris crowning them. The main gateways are approachable by two staircases and had a red sandstone exterior and a marble interior. The prayer chamber has an arcade of seven arches. Out of its twenty-one bays, only three have vaulted soffits. Its western wall has beautifully carved and inlaid mihrab and six niches corresponding to the arches of the façade. Unlike the usual three steps, there are four steps to the pulpit. There are prayer chambers for women on either side of the main prayer chamber that had a marble latticework screen separating them from the main hall. This chamber has three bulbous domes crowning it. There are seven beautiful square chhatris above the parapet and an octagonal tower with a marble cupola on top at each corner.