Find info on the caravan Serai at Fatehpur
Sikri, India.

Serai is at near Hathi Pol. The building was built as a guesthouse for
important persons or traders. Interior of the Serai has a spacious
quadrangle court of 74.82m by 82.66m in dimension. There are residential
rooms on all the four sides of this grand court. Besides these rooms,
there are also terraces built on southeast side of the Serai. These
rooms once had pillared verandahs in front, which have now been
demolished. The presence of tank and well on the southeast side of Serai
suggests that water and toilet facilities were also provided to the
Caravan Serai is located on the slope of the ridge, which was
beautifully utilized by terraced construction. It is rectangular in plan
having its main entrance in the middle of the northwest side. The
gateway stands over a small plinth, which was broken in the middle to
allow access to the main entrance archway, which is flanked by two
smaller ones. The spandrels of these arches are made up of marble and
are decorated with rossets of red sandstone. The smaller arches are also
decorated with marble. The soffits of the arches were once decorated
with stuccowork in geometrical designs.