Guru ka Tal was originally a reservoir meant to collect
and conserve rainwater built in Agra, near Sikandra, during Jehangir's
reign next to the Tomb of Itibar Khan Khwajasara in 1610. It had brick
and rubble masonry embankments and retaining walls. People believe that
Itibar Khan Khwajasara founded it and thus, his tomb was built on its
eastern side. The spacious tank is square in shape and has a broad and
long ramp paved with upright bricks and stone slabs called 'Khurra' on
its southern side and a stepped ghat on either side. These walls boast
of four double-storeyed octagonal towers. The upper storey of these
towers are built in the contemporary architectural style of that time
with beautiful octagonal chhatri with pillars and brackets and stone
hooks on all sides probably meant for tent ropes. The red sandstone was
used as the primary construction material of the ghat but it seems that
originally cupolas of the chhatris appear were plastered or decorated
with glazed tiles.
Originally there were twelve towers in all but only eight has survived
the rigors of time. The reservoir had efficient inlets on western and
northern sides of the tank, a dam on the southeastern corner of the
reservoir and a canal, which was used to channel excess water into the
river. The water of the reservoir was used for irrigation purposes
during the dry season. The square red sandstone barahdari graces the
terrace on the upper floor approachable through a broad red sandstone
staircase on the southern side. Built on a four feet high platform, it
has square chhatris in the four corners and sixteen pillars with
beautifully carved capitals and brackets. The corner domes are spherical
while those on sides are oblong in shape. The central dome gained
dominance by size and height. Lately, however, the building has
undergone complete renovation.
Read about Guru ka Tal at Agra. Guru ka Tal was
meant to be a resorvoir for rainwater harvesting.